Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Taking the Challenge

I read a very interesting blog entry at Frugal makes Cents. She has started a challenge to herself and anyone else who wanted to join her. Starting today, she is watching every penny like there will never be another one. She has made 7 challenge rules that she is going to be following. I’ve decided to join this challenge. I’ve got quite a stockpile now, and I think I can do this, with a few minor modifications.
1. Use my stockpile……this is easy!
2. Buy things if it is free or under $ .25. I’m thinking maybe $.50 to start and see how I do.
Exceptions are good-milk, eggs, produce, TP, meat, fish, poultry, and juice. I’m adding bread (from day old bread store) and tortillas-with coupons of course.
3. If I’m missing an ingredient for a recipe-substitute with something I do have.
4. Limit sodas and junk food.
5. Trying to make things from scratch will be ultra challenging for me-I work 2 jobs! I will most likely pass on this one-exceptions are pinto beans, low carb sweets!!
7.I will update daily on how I’m doing and how I’m trying to save money.

Thanks Precious at Frugal makes Cents!

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