Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cheap Purex detergent at Walgreens the week of 4/8/18

Walgreens deal
Purex laundry detergent is on sale for $1.49.
Use a  $.50 coupon from 4/8/18 retail me not (formerly red plum)=
$.99 plus tax

Free Colgate at CVS

Free Colgate toothpaste at CVS...... 1. Take extra care card to red box coupon machine at CVS and scan to get the $2.50 off coupon. 2. Use 1 of the $.50 off any Colgate coupon from 4/8 smart source insert found in your 4/8 Sunday paper. 3. Grab a tube of Colgate 4. Go to cashier. Give her your extra care card, Colgate toothpaste, and both of the coupons.... =free If you don't have the smart source coupon, just give the coupon from the machine=$.50 and tax if any!