Thursday, June 11, 2009


I'm so disgusted because we have to drain the pool, and do it fast because we are getting to stage 2 water restriction in our area. (Details later! )
We've been fighting with getting our pool under control and we were almost there and we got some much needed rain for a couple of days a week or so ago. After the rain, the pool got very green and we haven't been able to get rid of it. Now, we discovered a dead creature in the pool and we're all freaked out and have decided to start over. What a mess and hassle and expense.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I feel for you. I have well water so to fill a small 3 foot pool last year took us almost 2 weeks. Basically we could only keep the water on for 5-10 minutes an hour before it would unprime the pump. I would have just given up completely had we needed to drain ours.